Monday, April 19, 2010

Bible College Syndrome

"Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense." - Proverbs 18:1

So, this verse in and of itself seems like common sense, I think even to unfriendly people, but this week, I've been around a few people who would agree with this verse verbally, but disagree with their lives.

I think Bible College can do funny things to people. I love BC, don't get me wrong. I went to two different BC's because I love them so much! These awesome Christian institutions are great for training up people to be strong in their faith and the scriptures within the workplace, and for training up strong Christian leaders in the Church. BC is an amazing experience and while learning tons on the Bible, you also get the opportunity to learn tons in the area of "Life Experience".

BC can be kind of a "double whammy" if you will. Living on campus, you are given the opportunity to learn how to live in peace and unity with other believers, BUT I think it can also give you this false view of yourself... a "lofty" view sometimes. BC students are most often held to a higher standard.

As a BC student, you probably will have...

1. Curfew that during freshman year seems unbelievably early, but as you mature in age and in faith, 12am seems too late to be out carousing around the town. It is true that "Perception is reality" and as a BC student, you don't want to be perceived as walking the streets or rolling doobies and selling them to the local high school students behind the dumpster at McDonald's.

2. You will be required to attend Chapel every Thursday afternoon in the multipurpose room and ALSO be required to wear a suit and tie or a Sunday dress because God "would be ashamed" to see his precious people in anything less. Oh yeah, you can't wear flip flops.

3. No Rated R movies allowed in the dormitories. "What about 'The Passion of the Christ' though?" Yeah, not even that one. We appreciate Mel Gibson's attempt at showing us what Jesus went through, but really, did their have to be so much blood? I don't think so...

4. Guys and gals have visiting hours and there must be at least 2 members of each sex represented. Visiting hours are from 1pm-1:15pm on Wednesdays... enjoy your time!

Anyhow, these maybe a LITTLE more strict than the BC you attended (actually only 1 is embellished from my experience at BC), but this gives you an idea of how one can start to think that you are the most holy 20 year old on the face of the planet. Add up all the classes you've been taking on God's Word and BAM! You are a super Christian. Anyone who doesn't agree must be sent from the pits of hell with the purpose of discouragement!

Thank God I don't live in dorms anymore! People start to think they know everything they can know about God's Word and how to live a "godly life", but then turn around and pick up other horrible habits like making fun of the "ugly" girls on campus or talking about how horrible the guy is who got caught with porn on his computer and was kicked out of school or how your roommate is so obnoxious and always getting her feelings hurt over nothing. Our "spiritual gift" becomes criticism. We criticize how other people aren't being good enough christians or the way people look or whatever. We find a way to talk crap about other people on campus to help feed this lie that we have it all together. And we become unfriendly people who only care about ourselves and our little clan of followers who all believe the same things... they are Super Christians and everyone else sucks at being a Jesus Follower.

I say, lets stop patting ourselves on the back for knowing all about Ezekiel and start doing what Jesus came here to do... LOVE!
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you LOVE one another." John 13:35

Quit gossiping. Quit feeding your ego and start living LOVE on your campus.
Jesus didn't come to show he had the most knowledge of the scriptures (though he did). Jesus didn't come to show he could be the best God Follower there ever was (although he was). Jesus came to BE LOVE to a lost, hurting, dying, needy world. When he said in John 13 that he was leaving and where he was going we couldn't follow, he told us that (his disciples) that for a reason. WE ARE TO BE JESUS TO PEOPLE! WE ARE TO BE LOVE TO PEOPLE! Unconditional love.

And not just love to their face...
Love behind their back.

I was that "Super Christian" BC student until I got out into the real world. Until I was working full-time at a Church interacting with people who don't know Jesus. Who need LOVE, not judgement. Not slanted remarks when they aren't around... they need LOVE.

So grow up now. Decide you are going to let God transform you from the inside out. Quit letting your studies substitute your time with God... start living love.

Live Love to your Creator first. Spend time with him, not because it was an assignment, but out of your heart to know him better.

Live Love to your roommates. Start doing what Jesus told us to do, think of others as better than ourselves! Treat your roommate like you would treat the Son of God! Not with disrespect and hurtful words, but with respect and love and understanding. Be Jesus, not just to those who don't know him yet, but to those who do. They need Jesus too. And they NEED your LOVE.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Awesome Roadkill

As the SMTL (Student Ministry Team Leader - for all you folk who are uneducated in church staff abbreviations), when I start hearing talk of moving into a new building and the possibility of the youth getting their own building, I immediately get thinking about themes for our new youth building. I start planning out contests for designs and names submitted by students and think about what ideas of my own I'll throw into the mix...

I would ask for submissions from fellow youth pastors, but I already know the ideas I would be given...

Design Ideas

1. Coffee House Theme
Every kid in high school loves burned, weak coffee and crappy, depressing acoustic tunes right?? We could have booths (torn up and stained from the local coffee shop that just closed down due to rat infestation, but hey! They were free!), round top tables (just don't tell the elders that a local bar donated them or we'd need to pray over them because they must be "covered in sin"), and a small stage for open mic nights and poetry readings. Aren't all the high schoolers beatniks nowadays?

2. Garage Theme
Find an old gas pump, some license plates, and a garage door for the entrance and you've got a unique youth room! Problem is, every youth group in America has had a "Garage Themed" youth room since 1994. Of course, trends haven't changed that much since then, right?

3. Student Inspiration Theme
Let's give the kids 20 gallons of paint in all different colors and let them use their hands to start painting the walls! They can throw paint, finger paint, etc. Let creativity flow and give students the creative reign!
For some reason, tons of youth pastors think that this idea, once its all said and done, will create some sort of awe inspiring room filled with creativity and student ownership! However, it usually just looks like you let a bunch of 13 year olds loose with 20 gallons of paint and the only ownership in the room is the puke on the wall from Johnny after being locked in a paint fume filled room for hours...(but who could tell the difference between paint and the puke, right?)

Anyhow, I think our youth group may try to go for something a little different concerning the decor of the building. Thanks for the input (that you didn't even have to give) anyhow :)

Ideas for a name for the Building and/or Youth Group...

Here's a few...

1. eXtreme Youth
"We're eXtreme for Jesus!" - but we don't have to be xLame for Jesus...

2. Ignight
"We lost the spelling bee!" - I get that you meet in the evenings and you want to be ignited for God, but really, it just looks like your youth pastor's Bible College didn't require an english class in order to graduate.

3. Awesome Roadkill
"Every year the junior high students pick their own name... there you go."
And the "Enthusiastic Youth Pastor of the Year" award goes to... (I would like to point out that the above name and quote is an actual name and description of a junior high ministry!)

Anyhow, you may have encountered a few youth groups that share these names (excepting "Awesome Roadkill" which is actually a pretty awesome name) and may have possibly dubbed your rockin' youth group with one of these exciting names.

However, I think we may consider some other names and design ideas...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Blink of an Eye

You think you're going to live forever. You think life isn't going to throw you a curveball that's too terrible. You think that life will end when you're ready, when you're old, on your own terms...

It doesn't. You don't live forever. Life changes direction in an instant. One moment forever alters the course your life will take and you can't go back.

INJUSTICE! we cry. UNDESERVED! we scream. They were good! They loved God! Their time wasn't up! This has to be a mistake... God, what are you doing? Don't you realize what you've allowed to happen here? How can I keep trusting you and believing you if you are going to do something so wrong?!

We've all had a conversation similar to this with God. Maybe not surrounding death, maybe relationships, maybe love, maybe work, maybe friendships, maybe family, maybe depression, maybe disease...

Tonight I heard news that woke me up inside. Someone I know in Florida lost his wife today during childbirth. She was healthy and young. They hadn't even been married 10 years and today, during one of the most joyous moments of their lives, the most terrifying tragedy occurs forever changing the direction of this man's life. Forever altering his future. Shaking him to the core. She died. His beautiful bride of 9 years died giving birth to their fourth child.

Lord, why? Matt and Kylee are missionaries. They help further your kingdom here in the states and in other countries! And they are so young! Their lives have just begun! They were doing you work and you allowed this?

Tomorrow is never guaranteed. God never promised an easy life. He never promised any number of years here on this earth. He never said, "Once you follow me, life will be perfect! All your troubles will subside and if you experience trouble, it will be easy to get through." He never said we'd be with the love of our life until we are old and gray. Yet when a tragedy like this occurs, we sit back and question God's goodness for allowing this to happen to us. As if he's broken some promise he made to us.

However, Jesus did say, "In this world, there will be trouble." (John 16:33) Jesus promised us trouble, not smooth, wide roads. He promised us trouble, BUT he promised us peace. "And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7) Jesus goes on to say in John 16, "But take heart! I have overcome the world," (vs. 33).

The devastating circumstances of the Boden family has reminded me...

1. Life is short. Blink and you'll miss it.
2. Don't take people I love for granted. We are all terminal and we're not promised any warning as to when life ends. Don't leave things unsaid.
3. God is good, regardless of the devastation we find ourselves wrapped up in. God is love, regardless of the hate we feel at times. God is the healer, regardless of the pain we suffer through. God is in control, regardless of the chaos we are lost in. God is God and I am not.

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

"God is God. I dethrone Him in my heart if I demand that He act in ways that satisfy my idea of justice." - Elisabeth Elliot

You are good and your love endures forever.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wedding talk...

So, the wedding is 81 days away! I can hardly believe it! :) I've got my dress, Josh has been fitted for his tux, invitations are almost ready to mail (THIS WEEK!), tables and chairs have been reserved, decorations are being bought... it's exciting :)

There's still a TON to do and I feel so behind. It's been a challenge to not get so caught up in all the stress of planning that I forget to just enjoy it all! I mean... for pete's sake! I get to marry my very best friend and we get to spend the rest of our lives together in just a couple months! What could be more exciting than that? :)

In the midst of the chaos, part of me thinks, "This is so much work...we should have just eloped!" But most of me thinks that it will all be worth it in the end and all of me knows that I want to share the celebration of our union with all the people we love :) No wonder people hire wedding planners! ;)

I'm just ready to have it all planned so Josh and I don't have to stress about caterers or shopping or table decorations or trivial things like that and we can just enjoy the days leading up to it! I'm so ready for May 29th to just get here already and to head to the sunny, carefree beaches of Cabo San Lucas with the love of my life :) Soon...