Sunday, September 20, 2009


I want to be chased. Not seen as already won, but worth winning every day. It's this innate, unavoidable and insuppressible desire in which my very being can never be severed. Desire is not even a strong enough word... it is more like an excruciating pang of longing to be truly and passionately loved by one man and to yearn for only him for my entire existence. Maybe this sounds too similar to a sappy romance novel for some, but in complete honesty, God made woman this way. He made us to desire being chased and he made man to desire the chase.

The problem is, in my not-so-educated opinion, that we have been told passion is bad. Passion makes us do wrong; therefore, in our finite minds, if we eliminate passion, we eliminate sin.

Dead wrong.

God made us to be passionate beings. Not controlled by our passions, but allowing God to be the reign-holder and steer our passions. The fall of man in the garden has made us desire satisfaction of God-made passions immediately. Example 1: Passion for sex is good. God gave us a sex-drive and a desire for sex (1. as a way to procreate, 2. as a way to share our life with someone emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and 3. as a way to illustrate the complete oneness of the Father Son and Spirit). The problem is not that we are passionate about sex, the problem is that we are not patient. God gave us this passion and when we use that passion in the manner in which God intended, we are safe, we are completely fulfilled, and we are brought closer to Him. When we use our passion in a way that God did not intend, we are harmed (physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally), we are unsatisfied, and we are separated from Him.

Example 2: Passion for good food is not a bad thing at all. God gave us an unbelievable plethora of plants and animals (sorry vegans!) to explore taste. He gave us taste buds and He made incredibly tasty things and the creativity to create our OWN tasty concoctions. Not a bad thing at all! God created us to enjoy this life and live it to the full, but if we use our passion for food in a manner in which God never intended, we become unhealthy, and in turn, unhappy. If we use our passion for food in the manner in which God did intend, we are healthy people which (usually) makes us happier people and better able to enjoy this world God has created, help others around us, etc.
You see, the problem is not our passion... the problem is that we were made to have our Creator guide us, but so many of us don't let Him take the reigns in our lives and we are left to our own spiritual demise.

So, by eliminating passion in order to eliminate sin (unsuccessfully, I might add), we are denying ourselves the life that God designed for us to live. God has a beautiful, healthy, enjoyable, adventurous journey for us full of passion and love and excitement. Because of sin (and not just yours), chances are it will involve pain too.

All I'm getting at is... people, be PASSIONATE! Let yourself experience an ardent love for one another. Men, experience the chase of winning the heart of the love of your life every day. Women, passionately love and support and encourage the love of your life every day. People, fervently pursue your dreams and passions, but allow God to be the reign-holder and direct your passions, not to limit you, but to keep you from being limited! We serve a LIMITLESS God just waiting to pour out his blessings on your life! Let us not miss out on those blessings because we are not letting him direct our paths.

God is passionate for us. Let us be passionate for him.

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